Aug 232015

Books by young poets, published as part of the Young Poets Mentoring Program, are for sale at (sorry, temporarily offline, but check book titles if you know them, available on eBay). Support  your young authors. Buy their books!

Click here to read more about how if you are a Volusia County Florida poet beween 14 and 20, you may be able to have a free book published.

Are you or do you know a Volusia County resident between the ages of 14 and 20, who writes poetry? Go to the LAUREATE WEB PAGES to learn how you can get free writing lessons and even have your own book published for free.

On August 20th, 2015, Volusia County appointed its Poets Laureate, Dr. David B. Axelrod, and M. B. McLatchey. The role of the Volusia Poet Laureate is to “Promote the reading, writing, and appreciation of poetry throughout the County and in so doing, promote greater literacy, cultural activity and tourism.” A selection committee advertised open nominations, screened nominees, and recommended both poets to the County Council with the assumption that one would be appointed. Wanting to provide even more benefit to their constituents, the Council, in turn decided to make both candidates a Poet Laureate.

To the many public events and performances Dr. Axelrod already presents, he plans to fund raise for and institute a Young Poets Mentoring Program. An earlier, similar project he instituted resulted in the publication of nine chapbooks by poets, ages 16 to 24, which were the result of pairings with established poets who worked with the young poets until a manuscript was perfected.

Other plans are for a variety of new venues throughout Volusia County, as well as visits to libraries and public schools.



Phone: 386-337-4567


Dr. Axelrod has initiated a Young Poets Mentoring Program, in association with Kevin Campbell, who will institute a “Breaking Bad” performance venue. DANGER! in some circles, creativity may be frowned upon in public schools. Please promote poetry–appreciation, reading, writing–by inviting poets to your public and private school. Invite poets and poetry into your life.

Our program invites young poets to apply for study with established, published poets. Young poets who are accepted into the program will work to complete a body of poetry, selections from which will appear in an anthology &/or be published as a chapbook.